Staying Healthy While Working From Home

Home Office Fitness Tips

Working from home can be an amazing experience. For a lot of photographers and creative professionals, it’s actually a necessity in their business. It does take some adjustment, especially if you are used to office life. But the joys of working from home can often balance out what you’re missing in a more traditional office setting. You can save commuting time, can save money with less temptation to eat lunch out, and get to create your own schedule–– among many other things. But sometimes, working from home can take a toll on your health. Stay healthy working from home with these tips.

Keeping a Meal Schedule

Making sure to eat enough, or not snack too much, can sometimes be a struggle when you’re not on a set schedule. Keep a meal schedule that will ensure that you make time for proper meals. Rather than snacking throughout the day, find a meal plan that works for you and stick with it. Having snacks on hand is a good thing, but eating snacks for meals? Not so much.

Home Workouts – Free Home Workouts App for Working Out Without a Gym

Home Workouts is a free home workout app for exercising from your house. All you need is a mat, and the app will tell you how to do the rest. No equipment needed! You can also track your weight, set goals, track your daily workouts and calories burned through the exercises, adjust the difficulty of the work out and get some real progress going without having to have a gym membership. The best part of Home Workouts? It’s free. This free workout app is a game changer for those who feel they are not getting enough exercise in their work from home routine.

Simply Yoga App – Free Yoga App for Home Yoga Sessions

Simply Yoga is a free home yoga app that will guide you through an entire yoga session. Just like with Home Workouts, all you need is a mat. Let the app guide you through the rest. Use this app at the beginning of your day or when you need a break from staring at screens. Who doesn’t love a good stretch?

An alternative to this: guided yoga on YouTube. I take frequent breaks with 10, 20 and 30 minute yoga routines on YouTube –– all you need to search on youtube is “beginner yoga 10 minutes”, etc.

Taking Frequent Breaks

Taking breaks can be difficult when you’re working at home by yourself. Making sure to take adequate brakes will save your sanity and give your body time to rest from the stress of work. Take a walk around the block or just spend a little downtime away from your work. It will give you the opportunity to come back to it with a fresh set of eyes.

Trying Out Blue Light Glasses

Many people get headaches from the blue light in computer and phone screens. They are not for everyone, but it’s worth a shot: try out some blue light glasses to reduce screen headaches. You can get a cheap pair on Amazon for about $20, or if you’re really committed, find them from bigger glasses brands like Warby Parker. For some, they help with the headaches you get from screens.

How do you stay healthy working from home?

Let me know your work from home health tips in the comments below, or let me know if you’ve tried any of these!


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