Why You Should Schedule Your Social Media as a Photographer

Why you should schedule your social media as a photographer

As a photographer, it’s pretty likely that your plate is already SO full. Photographers these days tend to wear a lot of hats. Whether it’s blogger, marketer, videographer or something else, you’re always busy doing something else. Why lose time in your day to social media? Here’s why you should schedule social media as a photographer.

Save you time in your day-to-day

Wake up, open Instagram, scroll scroll scroll, tap to post, find an image, write a caption, copy and paste hashtags, add location, tag your subjects, post, reply to comments–– does any of this sound familiar? Save time in your day-to-day routine by scheduling social media posts ahead of time. As a photographer, it’s pretty likely that you have TONS of social media assets to use. Take advantage of the fact that you can plan ahead of time and not have to worry so much about the day-to-day. Using chunks of time when you have them vs. small bits every day can save you the heartache of going through that every day.

Can focus on Stories and not just static posts

Stories are where it’s at these days. You can’t fully schedule Stories for social just yet, but you can certainly take a little more time to focus on those ‘uncurated’ Stories posts. When you’ve got your static posts scheduled on your networks, sharing the more candid moments can allow for some more connection and engagement with your audience.

Keep a consistent presence for your audience

The great thing about social media scheduling is that it allows you to remain consistent. Consistency is the key to staying at top of mind for your audience. Make sure you’re getting your content out there as often as possible with the assistance of social media scheduling for photographers.

Plan your social media aesthetics ahead of time

A lot of creatives tend to care about what the aesthetics of their social media feeds look like. Whether that’s your Instagram feed or your brand consistency on Facebook, pre-scheduling your content allows for a well designed visual plan. Use apps like Planoly to schedule out your Instagram posts in a nice grid formation.

Spend more time with quality engagement

THe less time you’re spending on putting individual posts out there, the more time you’ve got to cultivate a community. Spend some time with quality engagement on your social channels. Likes, comments, follows all tend to go a long way on social media. Engage with the accounts that you specifically want to be targeting. Use the extra time you’ve saved by scheduling posts to foster engagement within your social network’s community.

Spend less time on your phone

One great reason to schedule your social media channels: spend less time on your phone. Spend more time doing the things you love when you schedule and automate your social media presence. Take extra time for yourself, or use your extra effort to pour into a different element of your photography business. Whatever the case may be, I’m sure we can all agree that more time behind the lens and less time behind a screen is way better.


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