How to Write Blog Posts About Weddings as a Vendor

As a wedding vendor, it’s important to have a blog. It’s a great way to showcase your expertise, as well as give potential clients an unfiltered look at what you do, and the kind of work you produce. In order to do this, you need to know what information to include in your blog posts, and how to make them interesting and unique. In this post, you’ll get some tips on how to write about weddings as a vendor. So whether you're just getting started with blogging, or you want to improve your current blog posts, read on for helpful advice!

Why should you blog about weddings as a vendor?

Blogging is the best way to build your brand's awareness online. You can write about your business, give advice, share links to some of your recent work... anything related to weddings as a vendor. This will help you bring more visitors to your site and establish yourself as an authority within this industry.

Writing good blog posts about weddings as a vendor is not easy. One of the main problems that people run into when blogging is finding inspiration. They don't know what to write about, and after writing one post they become discouraged by how their next post will turn out. The great thing about blogging, though, is you can play around with different styles and see what works best for you. You can get ideas from other wedding vendors or even your own industry (the possibilities are endless!).

What makes a good blog post?

There are many factors that make up a great blog post. What makes one wedding vendor’s blog content more interesting than another? Well there are several different ways to approach this question, but here are some standard ideas:

  • Keep posts short and simple. This will catch the reader's attention and help them better understand your message. Try to stick to a single idea for each blog post so as not to overwhelm people with too much information at once.

  • Make it relevant. Your content needs to be closely related to weddings as a vendor because that’s what you’re blogging about, after all! You can bring up industry news or recent trends in the wedding industry, but make sure your content is still relatable from a general perspective. It should always apply to someone... even if they aren't getting married! For example, having a dog-friendly wedding theme would attract pet owners whether they are planning their own wedding or not.

How to write blog posts about weddings as a vendor

Wedding vendors can sometimes be tempted to talk about their business, or what services they offer. While this is fine, your content will become repetitive and boring for your readers after a while. Instead of focusing on yourself (the wedding photographer, the caterer), focus more on the couple you’re working with. What do they like? What are their interests? What made them decide to get married? How did they meet each other? These are all questions that people love hearing about during weddings. This approach will make it easier for your readers to connect with your writing because it's both relatable and interesting! Plus, by expanding beyond just talking about yourself it gives you an opportunity to go more in-depth and share some personal stories.

What should you include?

Every blog post you write about weddings as a vendor should include these three elements: photos, text, and links. The text is important because it’s there for people to read what's going on, but the photos and linking take your blog posts to the next level! Photos are by far one of the most important parts of any wedding related blog post because they help bring your words to life. They give people an idea about what you do and why you’re so great at what you do. Adding a call-to-action is also key because people will need an extra nudge to actually click through on that link you share.

What photos should I use?

When it comes to what you should include in your blog posts, the sky's the limit! You can shoot BTS footage at weddings or events yourself or collaborate with the photographer. If you do decide to take your own pictures, try experimenting with different angles and looks until you find something that catches people’s attention. It will be hard work but well worth it when you see people rave about how inviting and beautiful your images are!

As for where to put all of these elements...

On average there needs to be at least 300-500 words (give or take) per post. You can go above or below this number, but in general you’ll want to try and break the 300 word mark. It just makes it easier for people to read and understand what you're saying!

  • Keep your content diverse. There are so many different things to blog about during weddings that you'll never find yourself running out of ideas!

  • Try adding in some humor when possible. Great blogs often have a natural balance between witty humor and well-written content.

  • Don't be afraid to take risks! One of the best ways to stand out from other wedding vendors is by doing things differently than everyone else (in an effective way, of course). Your blog posts should reflect your own style and interests, not just what other people are doing.

I hope you have fun with writing posts about weddings as a vendor! If you’re willing to put in the work it can be incredibly beneficial for your business. If you need help fleshing out ideas or don't know where to start, just ask - I'd love to help.


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