Best Wedding Photography Lenses for Canon in 2020

The best wedding photography lenses for Canon in 2020

After years of trying to figure out the best combination of lenses for a wedding day, I’ve narrowed it down. An avid Canon shooter, I’ve been working on these lenses since I started shooting weddings at the age of 14. I’ve narrowed it down to these absolute essential lenses. These are the best wedding photography lenses for Canon in 2020.This article contains affiliate links for products that I am over-the-moon enthusiastic about. I use these lenses every single time I shoot a wedding.

Sigma 24mm Art Lens for wedding photos

The Sigma 24mm Art lens is a game changer. The 24mm Sigma Art lens for wedding photography gave us a perspective on wedding days that we just couldn’t achieve with the 35mm. The 35mm lens is absolutely wonderful but does not always cover the grandest and largest of venues. This lens, although a bit heavy, is the perfect lens to capture an extra wide shot. This works well for grand churches, venues with high ceilings, and larger ceremonies overall.Sigma 24mm for wedding photography

Taking wedding photos with the Sigma 35mm Art lens

The Sigma 35mm Art lens is perfect for capturing documentary shots, especially in confined spaces. On our wedding day, you may often find yourself in confined spaces like hotel rooms, bedrooms, bridal suites, and so on. The Sigma 35mm lens is perfect for wedding photography for both confined spaces and bridal portraits. It can make for great shots of the couple, and of family, without too much distortion.Sigma 35mm for wedding photography

Wedding photos with the Canon 50mm lens

Across the board, you can’t go wrong with a 50mm lens. The Canon 50mm 1.4 lens for a wedding photography kit is pretty standard. This allows you to view the wedding day that’s pretty much what your eyes would see. It is great to keep on one of the camera bodies you are shooting with during a wedding day. It allows for a variety in perspective that is both not too wide and not too long. The Canon 50mm 1.4 is a great lens for those who are starting their wedding photography journey. It is wonderful as a documentary wedding photography lens.

Canon 85mm 1.4 lens for wedding photos

Perhaps one of our favorite lenses for every occasion, the Canon 85mm 1.4 lens is one that wedding photographer should not skip out on. This beautiful lens creates dreamy, cinematic images. Its focus is sharp and clean. The 85mm 1.4 lens for Canon is perfect for wedding photographers. Great for ceremonies, great for portraits, great for reception. This lens is everything you should want on a wedding day.

Taking wedding macro photos on the Canon 100mm

The Canon 100mm 2.8 lens is one that you cannot skip out on for macro photos on a wedding day. This one is an absolute essential for wedding photographers. If you would like to get a close macro photos of wedding rings and engagement bands, this is the lens that you absolutely have to have.Canon 100mm lens for wedding photography

Canon 135mm lens for wedding photography

This one was a complete shock to me. I had no idea that the Canon 135mm lens existed until I stumbled upon it by accident. This lens gives a super dreamy effect. The compression is absolutely wild and it is gorgeous. It is one of my favorite lenses to use for wedding and engagement photography. The Canon 135mm lens is not one to skip out on. If you like compressed perspective and lots of bokeh, this is the lens for you.Canon 135mm lens for wedding photography

Not ready to purchase lenses?

Consider renting a lens before you purchase it. I have rented our lenses before to test them out. BorrowLenses, by far, had the best quality for price when it came to renting lenses. You can also track when lens prices drop with Wikibuy – I’ve used it to track whenever prices on camera equipment fall.

Find the lenses that are right for you

Not everybody likes to shoot with just prime lenses. I love shooting with primes Canon lenses on two cameras because it gives me flexibility and allows me to achieve specific looks with my photos. Some prefer to have a zoom lens for wedding days, and I completely get that. I personally prefer prime lenses for weddings because of the aesthetic qualities.


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